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The Richard Nicholls Podcast

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Hello there. It's Friday again. That means it's five minute bonus episode day. Have you had a good week? Did you watch any of the US presidential debate? For any USA listeners, and I do have quite a few, normally here in the UK it would be an extremely small minority of folk that would pay much attention.

But the bizarre behaviour of Donald Trump has made a lot of people pay more attention nowadays, just to see what he's going to say next, really. So, if anyone had immigrants eating dogs in Ohio on their Trump bingo card, count yourself lucky. I don't think anyone was expecting that one. Certainly the mayor of Ohio was quite surprised, because it was the first that they'd heard.

I'd like to think most people didn't believe him. But what if a second person said it to you, and then a third? Or maybe a fourth, or a fifth. If you hear something enough times, it becomes real, doesn't it? Now, if someone else can inspire you to believe something that isn't real, how easy would it be to lead yourself, if you keep telling yourself lies. If you constantly tell yourself that nothing good exists, we can easily then develop a habit of seeing negativity in everything around ourselves.

Get ourselves into a rut of stress, even when things aren't stressful. And I see that in clients quite a lot. You get one week where someone's work is so busy that they can't keep a clear head. It makes them stressed. The following session they'll talk about how quiet it's been lately. And they're worried about losing their job because it's been so quiet.

And now they're really stressed about it. Out of habit, we get the feeling that life needs to be more stressful than it actually is. And that's what causes anxiety. When actually, there might be a lot of things to be hugely positive about in our lives. No matter how simple it is. Could just be a hug from somebody that you care about or a song on the radio that you like that comes on or something.

Anything's got the capacity to lift your spirits if you come across it. Well, if you do, let it cheer you up. Because it's too easy to give in to the negativity and stay grumpy. But with a bit of effort, you can pull yourself out of it. If you look for bad stuff. That's what you see. So make an effort to look for the positives in life, particularly people.

If there's someone that gets on your nerves, it's too easy to miss the nice things about them. When somebody comes to me with relationship issues, it's not unusual for couples to say that, although neither of them have changed, they've just kind of fallen out of love. They've forgotten what they found endearing in each other in the first place. And that's just bad habits. Because what starts off as, oh, that's sweet, she's hiccuping again. That can eventually become, oh, God's sake, woman, will you stop hiccuping? And become annoying. If there's something about your life that you don't like, you've got two choices. You like it or you lump it.

And if you can't get rid of it because, well, divorcing your spouse because they've got hiccups, that doesn't stand up too well in court. then you've got to change the way that you feel about it. And that's everything, not just a hiccuping spouse, whether that's a job, an acquaintance, where you live. Some things can't be changed, but the way you react to it can be.

But it takes a bit of practice. I'm often reminded of a story, apologies if you've heard me tell it before, about the three men on a building site. When asked what they're doing, the first man says, I'm moving bricks from one place to another. I hate my job. And the second man says, I'm mixing stone into this concrete mix.

I hate my job. And the third man says, I'm building a cathedral. I love my job. Sometimes we've got to look at things with a better perspective to enjoy it a little bit more. But be realistic. I think of myself as a fairly laid back guy. I can still get annoyed. I sometimes even take things personally, when actually somebody's comments were more of a reflection on them than they were on me.

Because I'm human, and that's normal. And you'll do it too, and providing that it doesn't become too commonplace, it's not an issue. So don't think that in order to be happy you've got to go around seeing the world through rose tinted glasses. But I think it'd be a good idea for a lot of people to make a bit more effort to see the good in their life.

Because it'll be there if you look. Anyway, it's the weekend now. Go and enjoy it. Go and look for the good in what you see and do. And I'll speak to you again before you know it. Especially if you're one of my Patrons on Patreon. Because I'll be there on Monday with a full episode as always. Anyway, take care, folks.

