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Richard Nicholls
Richard Nicholls
Richard Nicholls
The Richard Nicholls Podcast

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Is there really such a thing as an addictive personality?
Or do people who are addicted to something just need to prove to themselves that they DO have control?
Positive Self Talk

Positive Self Talk

The words in our head and the words we hear ourselves say have a surprising influence on our life. It's worth checking sometimes whether the self talk we have is a friend or a foe.

Personality Disorders

Not everyone likes labels when it comes to mental health issues, but for some people it can be quite reassuring to be told that their reactions to the world are so common that we even have a name for it. So today I'm giving you a very brief introduction to what we call Personality Disorders.
Love Yourself

Episode 246: Love Yourself

It may be Valentine's Day this month, a day to remind someone that you love them, but I think we very often need to bring it closer to home.

Challenging Your Beliefs

Emotions are not instructions. Feeling anxious doesn't mean that we need to run and hide.
Sometimes our emotions make mistakes and very often their instructions come from our beliefs.
Today I'd like to explore that a little.

Sabotaging Your Goals

What is it about the new year that motivates people to want to do something about their health?
Would it be better to wait until February to start a New Years Resolution?
Or would it have been even more beneficial to have started last month?
And why would anyone throw a brick through their own car windscreen, just because they have a flat tyre??
All these questions and more.
Cognitive Distortions

Episode 245: Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortions are the thinking traps where our mind convinces us of something that isn't actually true.
Once habitual and almost a part of our personality, they can very often start the ball rolling for depression and anxiety.
Rejection Sensitivity

Episode 244: Rejection Sensitivity

For many, anxiety is all about being vulnerable to the possibility of rejection.
It's normal for our brain to seek out what we fear and notice dangerous possibilities. But those with bad experiences may have been primed from an early age to expect rejection by default.
Because of this, their brain is going to start perceiving rejection everywhere.

Episode 243: Kindness

Kindness is often linked with better mental health. It helps us to feel connected to others, creates a sense of belonging and reduces isolation.
But I say there's a time and a place for it, and it might not be now and it might start closer to home.

Episode 242: The Power Of Awe

"Awe" tends to be defined as the emotion we experience when encountering something with such perceived vastness that our brain might find it hard to comprehend how it can exist.
Being "awed" by an experience can have some surprisingly powerful, positive effects on us.

Episode 241: Disappointment

In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" in 1963, Martin Luther King wrote "There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love."
Meaning that if you feel disappointed it's only because you care about something.
I think it's worth exploring this a little more.
Getting To Know Yourself

Episode 240: Getting To Know Yourself

Often people will talk about the need to disappear away for a bit to "find themselves" when actually they already knew where they were they just didn't "know" themselves.
Well, maybe we don't need to climb a mountain or hide in a retreat for a week to do this. Maybe we can get to really know ourselves a little bit more every day until we're fully clued up.

Episode 239: Hope

Research has shown that hope can significantly improve mental health outcomes. It boosts resilience, helps you to cope better with stress and setbacks and means that you're more likely to engage in positive behaviours that support your well-being.
But hope isn't something that just happens; it's something you might need to cultivate and it could even save your life.

Episode 238: Values vs Goals

Are you living your life based on your values or your goals?
What's the difference anyway?
Let's find out.

Episode 237: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a phrase we use to mean being manipulated and to have your reality questioned.
Cults have been doing it for decades, maybe even for thousands of years.
Today I'm going to scratch the surface a bit.
Come and have a listen.
Taking Things Personally

Episode 236: Taking Things Personally

One thing we can all guarantee is that we'll all receive some sort of criticism at some point.
The trick is to not let it get under our skin. Easier said than done though, but don't let that stop you.
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