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Richard Nicholls
Richard Nicholls
Richard Nicholls
The Richard Nicholls Podcast

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Is life really all that bad?
Today I'd like to talk about how our perspective on things influences our mood and vice versa.


Anhedonia is a symptom of many problems where the brain simply doesn't allow pleasure to exist.
Often described as "An array of deficits in hedonic function" Anhedonia will even switch pleasure seeking off. Because there's no point in trying to do anything pleasurable because it doesn't make you feel any better anyway.

Disclosing Issues

Because mental health problems are invisible they aren't talked about in quite the same way as physical health problems. But there may be people in your life that need to talk about their mental health. You might need to talk too.
So how do we do that?

Episode 241: Disappointment

In his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" in 1963, Martin Luther King wrote "There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love."
Meaning that if you feel disappointed it's only because you care about something.
I think it's worth exploring this a little more.

Resting vs Procrastination

Sometimes our urge to procrastinate is because we're overwhelmed with everything and we need rest.
Other times we're just being lazy!
Today we explore a little about how to tell the difference.

Cliches and Toxic Positivity

Positive messages such as "Keep Calm & Carry On" or "Don't Worry Be Happy" sound like a good idea.
But sometimes we need to acknowledge how we feel and I wonder if the overly optimistic ignorance of positive messages can do more harm than good sometimes.
Getting To Know Yourself

Episode 240: Getting To Know Yourself

Often people will talk about the need to disappear away for a bit to "find themselves" when actually they already knew where they were they just didn't "know" themselves.
Well, maybe we don't need to climb a mountain or hide in a retreat for a week to do this. Maybe we can get to really know ourselves a little bit more every day until we're fully clued up.

Episode 239: Hope

Research has shown that hope can significantly improve mental health outcomes. It boosts resilience, helps you to cope better with stress and setbacks and means that you're more likely to engage in positive behaviours that support your well-being.
But hope isn't something that just happens; it's something you might need to cultivate and it could even save your life.

Episode 238: Values vs Goals

Are you living your life based on your values or your goals?
What's the difference anyway?
Let's find out.

Episode 237: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a phrase we use to mean being manipulated and to have your reality questioned.
Cults have been doing it for decades, maybe even for thousands of years.
Today I'm going to scratch the surface a bit.
Come and have a listen.
Taking Things Personally

Episode 236: Taking Things Personally

One thing we can all guarantee is that we'll all receive some sort of criticism at some point.
The trick is to not let it get under our skin. Easier said than done though, but don't let that stop you.
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Episode 235: Self Discipline

When "future you" doesn't even exist, it can be really hard to stick to your plan in the "now" to ensure that future you gets their needs met.
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Episode 234: It's Good To Talk

Back in 1995 when britpop ruled the charts and the UN designated it The United Nations Year for Tolerance, British Telecom started a friends and family service to make it cheaper to call a handful of your favourite people with the slogan It's Good To Talk.
Everyone agreed.
Hopefully we do still think that, don't we?
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Episode 233: Self Sabotage

If you've ever set a goal for yourself and then found yourself deliberately sticking a spanner in the works knowing full well it'll cause you to fail then welcome to the human race. Because everyone does it.
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Episode 232: Ageing

I might not the young man I once was, but there is a certain childishness to me that I'm hoping can keep me young.
Looking at the studies into attitude and ageing the odds are in my favour!
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Episode 231: Difficult Decisions

Having free will is generally thought of as a good thing but it also comes with responsibility.
That's why decisions cause anxiety, whether it's about the little things or the big things.
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